Asbury Live (Zoom) for Students
All online classes at Asbury University are taught through Zoom which can be accessed by all students through Discovery. This document will cover joining a Zoom meeting, navigating the tools and options in a meeting, and then further resources for Zoom.
Finding Your Zoom Meeting
1. First, open a browser, log into, and open your class.
2. Once in the course, click "Asbury Live" on the top navigation bar.

3. On this new page, you will see all of your upcoming meetings. If you are taking more than one online class, those meetings may also be listed on this screen.
a. Find the meeting you want to enter and click "Join" on the right-hand side.

4. If you want to view a lecture you missed, switch to the "Previous Meetings" tab.
Please Note: Make sure your time zone settings on this page is correct so you can see the accurate meeting times.
Launching a Zoom Meeting
1. The first time you open Zoom, you should see a loading window as it pulls up the program
2. You may be asked to allow Zoom to open (see screenshot below). Check the "Always Open" box, so you do not have to grant access to the program every time you use Zoom.

3. Audio/Video - once open, Zoom will ask you which speaker and microphone you want to use in your session.
- Computer audio is recommended, and you can test your microphone and speakers before starting the session with the test button. You can call in on a phone if needed.
- Please note that you can check the "Always Use" option at the bottom of the window, so you are not prompted to select computer audio each time you use Zoom.
Options and Tools in a Zoom Meeting
Tool Bar - the bar at the bottom of the screen houses most of your tools for the session.

Mute/Unmute - this mutes and unmutes your audio, if you click the arrow to the right, it gives you more advanced audio options.
Stop/Start Video - this stops/starts your video; it does NOT stop the meeting.
Invite - allows you to invite other participants, you do NOT need to utilize this feature as all the students will have access to the session through Discovery.
Participants - You can see all other students and instructors in the course.
Share - this option is where you can share your screen, use the Whiteboard feature to write live, airplay to the meeting with an iOS device (iPhone or iPad), and you can also connect a mobile device via cable. In addition, you will see each window you have open on your computer listed in this grid. You can choose to share just one program (ex. Excel or Powerpoint) or one browser window (Chrome with a youtube video pulled up) rather than sharing your entire desktop view.
Note: If you are going to share a video, be sure to check the two boxes at the bottom of the share screen ("Share Computer Sound" and "Optimize for full-screen video clip) so everyone can hear the audio.
Chat - you can chat with the whole class or individual participants.
More - this allows you to turn off video receiving if you do not want to view the instructors/students video.